Fact File

Project/Applicant Name:Morningside Farm Meadows
Theme:Partnership Project
Grant Received:£389,682

Thanks to funding from Biffa Award, Morningside Farm Meadows were saved from development which would have destroyed valuable habitats.

With its abundance of wildflowers, Morningside Farm, near Royal Wootton Bassett is ablaze with colour in the summer and the air is filled with wildflower perfume. There is a wealth of butterflies, crickets and pollinating insects, while birds nest in the mature hedgerows.

The meadows had been advertised for sale as suitable for horses, a smallholding and or development; all activities that would have damaged and destroyed national and European level rare habitat.

But, thanks to Biffa Award, the meadows are now part of Wiltshire Wildlife Trust’s network of nature reserves across Wiltshire and Swindon, safeguarding this vital habitat for wildlife.

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